
A1 Food
A2 Food
A3 Spark & Spells
A4 Boys & Girls Club
A5 Burke Equipment Rental
A6 Fast Factory Sim Racing
A7 Tasty Treats
A8 Anthologie Collective
B1 ARC Laser Engraving
B2 Lithsira Creations
B3 Jess Draws Ducks
B4 Oceanic Artistic
B5 Mimi Jo Jo Creations
B6 Defenders Realm
B7 Dez & Louie
B8 L.A. Mood
B9 Dez & Louie
B10 L.A. Mood
C1 Circle & Bone
C2 The Drawing Machine
C3 Mythic Loot & Sil3ntInsanityStudio
C4 Cozy Creations
C5 Escape Room
C6 Escape Room
C7 Dabble Maker Space
C8 C.M. Forest & Ben Van Dongen
C9 Two Jays Vintage
C10 Parashy Art & Design
C11 Lollipop Lane Boutique
C12 One Card Short
C13Escape Room
C14 Bad Rogue Designs
C15 Illustration Studio 78
C16 Bathland
C17 Two Jays Vintage
D1 CoJac Trading Junction
D2 King Pawn
D3 King Pawn
D5 London Green Ranger
D6 2can Create
D7 Pokijordz
D8 Dan the Dice Guy
D9 Dan the Dice Guy
D10 Dee Man Comics
D11 Slothie Studios
D13 Toys by Thomas
D14 Cobehale's This & That
D15 Pastel Nightmares
D16 Grail Toys and Collectables
D17 I Need That Comics & Games
D18 Higher Elo Creative
E1 Goodys Chatham
E2 Turns & Tales
E3 Windsor Ghostbusters
E4 Soho Funkos & Collectables
E5 J.B. Knowles
E6 Wolf Den Art
E7 Scarehouse Windsor
E8 Freak Parade
E9 Freak Parade
E10 Withered Souls
E11 Geek Studios
E12 Legion Realms at War TCG
E13 Robin Pixel Art
E14 Stacked 3D Design
E15 Future Pastimes
E16 Cineplex
E17 Dragoncat Alchemists
E18 Destination Retro
F1 Toywars and Collectables
F2 PurdysPokeArt
F3 Matt Wayne Bhanks
F4 Matt Wayne Bhanks
F5 Maige Creations
F6 EV Collectables
F7 EV Collectables
F8 Toywars and Collectables
F9 EV Collectables
G1 Olde Bat Dice
G2 Elite Mini Figures
G3 Miss Print3d
G4 M.K. MacLean
G5 Nubi's Nook
G6 Stephen Sousa
G7 BRD Collectables
G8 Sky Angel Anime Booth
G9 Elite Mini Figures
H1 Em-Al-Lu
H2 Em-Al-Lu
H3 Em-Al-Lu
H4 Chatham Honda
H5 Humblood Vintage
H6 Your TV
H7 Lisa's Lair Bookstore
H8 Chatham Honda
J1 Adi & Kola's Toys
J2 Snows Martial Arts Academy
J3 JB Media Production
J4 Tsundre Aesthitics
J5 Mr. T's Toys Youtube
J6 Something Wicca
K1 Cascades Casino
K2 James McLean/Angie VanDerLay
K3 Dream of Glitter
K4 Mandalorian Mercs
K5 501st Vindicator Squadron
K6 501st Vindicator Squadron
K7 501st Vindicator Squadron
K8 Mandalorian Mercs
L1 The Chair
L2 Evan Willick
L3 Glitterz with Gray
L4 B. Hotke
L5 Artzii.ca
L6 Artzii.ca
L7 Karlie's Clay Co.
L8 Studiocomix Press
M1 Dockrell Photography
M2 Dockrell Photography
N1 TVX Sabers
N2 Lens Mill's
N3 Lindy Cosplay Supply & Cosplay Repair Station
P1 501st
P2 Wrestling Chameleon Al Ruddick
P3 North Ontario Klingons
AA1 Chrissy Wiseman
AA2 K.C. Miceli
AA3 David Alex Knight
AA4 Graham Misiurak
AA5 Myrna Jewell
AA6 Scott Wojcik
AA7 David Jacob Duke
AA8 Lance Meredith
AA9 Christine Folan
AA10 Comix Asylum
AA11 Eric Olcsvary
AA12 Jerod Sterling
CG1 Mark Rolston
CG2 Frank Todard
CG3 Leilani Shui
CG4 Harlan Blayne Kytwayhat
CG6 Klingon Pop Warrior